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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Joy Bug

#1 Son, Vava, #2 Son
Is it wrong for me to be content when my sons seem content?  Nothing makes me happier** than when they get along, respect one another and are civilized.  Goodness, their mother does teach manners!
**(I really do declare myself cured.)

I gave both these boys God.  I love them but do not worry, stew or fret.  That's peace.  Freedom is realizing I have no controlI can do nothing except pray for them daily.  I highly recommend it.

#1 Son has the Politician Personality.  He's charismatic, able to schmooze with anyone.  It's an art, really.  He's always been gifted in that regard.  He talks to the homeless or the honorable with the same level of care.  He's still restless though...

#2 Son isn't fully hatched.  He's out of my nest; but has (a lot of) work.  I'm down with that.  Accepted it and moved on... 

Over the years; these two have been combustible but they are growing up and growing to like one another.  The last two days have been a miracle.  They've worked side by side outdoors.  Nothing like a little manual labor to make ya feel good!  They've bonded and joined us in the evening for food, fun and fellowship!

For years friends have prayed for our family and said God will restore the years the locusts have eaten.  Gross!  I hate bugs.  Locusts feast and destroy...and at times I felt destroyed.

But this spring I've got a bug!!!  ...the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart and I know WHERE "it" comes from.  It isn't from how well the boys are doing, whether they are successful, drinking too little or too much, who they hang with.  I do not derive my self-worth from them.

Oh, but I love them.  And we had a blast last night chowing on Uncle Steve's beef tenderloin, laughing our tails off.

And I can't think of too many places I prefer to be than in between two big boys hugging on me.  It seems I have "the joy bug."  That's the kind of bug I like!


annette said...

Thanking the Lord for many answered prayers. Joy comes from one Source! So glad for you for that peace He's given. And who cannot relate when they say a mama is only as happy as the least happy of her children. I still work on that letting go thing--I know it brings such freedom! Love you, A

Pam said...

Va- I pray the joy bug stays with you for a while. You deserve it. You are a good are a wise mom. We moms learn from each other don't we. I've learned a lot from you. Pray and love..that's all you can do.

TeriGigi/Girl Meets Paris said...

I needed to read this post! My 22year old is moving to Hollywood next week. So many things you said resonated with me. I gotta find my peace girl!! Only in the Lord is it possible. Loved what you said about not getting your self worth from your kids...
Prayer is where it's at!!
Love your spirit and feeling your JOY!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you Va!! It's such freedom isn't it? To really let go, let them fall and find the way to get up! You're positively glowing!! Is that the fab LONDON tunic? XOXO

Anonymous said...

Oh what joy springs from your words! I admire you more than you can imagine. I am also very happy for you. xoxo Dianne

martha said...

you are very wise adn i am hoping your cup is FILLED to overflowing with that JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing a bit wrong with being DELIGHTED when our kids are happy...
Your freedom , too , feels tangible....youa re walking wisely....ENJOY it!ANd the boys!