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Thursday, March 11, 2010

He's My Brother...

Hello, my name is Stella and I am a guest blogger on Vava's View today. 

I had to speak up for the others out there. Standard Poodles that is.  Please do not let that dang Duke sway your opinion!  Oh?  You haven't heard the latest?  Please read Vava's previous post.

I am regal, laid back and the queen of the home.  Most of us are!  Uncle Steve doesn't even think Duke is cute yet he calls me "beautiful."  Hrrrmph. I was part of this clan long before Duke entered the picture.  Like 8 years! 

...then this homeless, hopeless dog stranded in Galveston after Hurricane Ike, found his way here.  These words had new meaning after September '08:

The road is long...
With many a winding turn...
That leads us to who knows where?
Who knows when - But I'm strong...
Strong enough to carry him - He ain't heavy, he's my brother!

I've tried, oh how I've tried to show him the ropes, be a good role model, to no avail.  He is exhausting at times but does put JOY into my day.  Nobody wrestles with me anymore...except Duke.  I miss the boys so much.  #1 son loves me like a girlfriend and #2 like a sister.  They're the best!

Oh, well, guess Duke will have to do!


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sewmuchwhimsy said...

Oh Stella, you are a beauty! Now we have to cut a little slack for Duke, you know he has been through a lot, stranded in a hurricane and all. He was probably a little traumatized by that. Maybe that's why he chewed a hole in the bedspread. You are a good sister. xoxox

Dawn said...

Stella you are a true Friend to Duke! xoxo

martha said...

Stella....thanks for your input..we know you secretly rule...but glad you are out to have Duke's back! Enjoy your weekend and your family!
pats and paw shakes!

Emily said...

It is hard being the Queen........

CC said...

What a hoot.....Stella, your are a STELLAR writer just like your mamma! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh Stella you beauty....I feel your pain!!!!!
xoxo Aunt Dianne

Arthur K said...

Thankss for a great read