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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sweet Memories

My name is Virginia and I am a recovering sugar-holic.  I state this in all seriousness - sugar was my crack.    Sugar was my made me happy.  Many a good memory is centered around food and the end result of dessert.

I love traditions and those grand women I hold so dear are often wrappped up sweetly by a tradition of their own.  Mimi - my extraordinary grandmother - had help so she wasn't in the kitchen.  But she loved a good sweet and one of her favorites was a lace cookie.  Mmm - the perfect crunch; light and delicate!

Next came Aggie, the grandmother in Texas that "adopted" me - she was my cousin's, but I latched onto her when we moved to the Panhandle.  Christmas & Aggie = Hershey Pudding.  Oh, vanilla ice cream has never been better dressed by this warm, gooey, thick chocolate sauce.   

My Mother had been a gourmet cook.  I have her cookbooks to prove it.

However, when she made the move that changed her life, she changed dramatically as well. She was not drinking the last 12 (???) years of her life and replaced her evening toddy with a chocolate chip cookie. How mundane, you say? Well...these tins were coveted by all. She would make a batch and bring them to whomever she visited. My oldest would see her drive up: "Here comes Mimi...and THE COOKIES!"

I wonder...what will I be remembered for?


My guy said...

Oh yes, those chocolate chip cookies were very good, and I too love lace cookies. Maybe you should make some for me!

Emily said...

Yum! Do you have the lace cookie recipe to share?

Anonymous said...

YOU, my dear, will be remembered for SO many things...Looking UP in the middle of a family tornado, your wonderful and FUN annual Christmas party, your fabulous love of music and all of your
music mixes....your absolute ZEST for sucking the marrow from life....and sharing all of it with US,
your very grateful and lucky friends! Love you SO!