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Monday, May 28, 2012

I Know My Own Strength(s)

"When can we start?" is a recurring question in my life.  Always rearranging my furniture, switching my calendar system, starting a new book, trying the latest product.  StrengthsFinder 2.0 helped me to understand why! 

When I learned what my "strengths" were - my brain was exploding with those 'aha' moments: AHA, that's why!  AHA, no kidding.  AHA, cannot wait to explore that one!  It is empowering to see - in black and white - my strengths.  We women can play the humility game all too well, right?  As long as Christ is at the center, our strengths are a blessing.

The on-line test revealed mine as:

1.  positivity
2.  empathy
3.  woo
4.  communication
5.  activator

  • I see the glass half full.
  • I often put myself in your shoes.
  • I love to win others over (WOO).
  • I enjoy communicating (blog, FB, face to face).
  • I dig action - moving furniture,  "make a party," anything spontaneous!
There are sensitive aspects of a strength - I witnessed this recently with someone I love.  I sensed this person feeling left out, perhaps intimidated, inadequate.  So much so, that I did not want to make eye contact as I did not want him/her to know that I know.  My heart and gut hurt.  

A couple of hours later, I processed WHY I "felt" that person so much.  THAT would be the empathy trait.  Many, many times I have had that gut-ache and could not articulate WHAT it was.  Empathy aches.  Those lacking the empathy gene might not have the gut/heart aches; they are a bit more inconsiderate or distant.  Give me the aches!

 "Let Your Life Speak" by Parker J. Palmer is a little book I read prior to the strengths book.  The title is a time-honored Quaker mantra.   I devoured it, took notes and highlighted it to pieces!   May has been a good month for good books!

I believe life teaches me something most days.  I don't want to just slip n' slide through it but welcome the LARGENESS of life that now lies open to our souls ("Let Your Life Speak").