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Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Month of Sundays

     It'd been "a month of Sundays" since I splurged on a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato.  Thanks to a gift card, I did so today.  Yum-o!

     It's also been a month of Sundays since we've worked the yard.  Just haven't felt the pull.  A looming "event" sort of forces me to clean up my act.  I'm hosting a wedding shower in June...plenty of time to beautify the yard!  :) 

     I dusted off my favorite gardening book, "Blueprints for Harmonious Gardens" by Tara Dillard.  Oh, you must visit Tara!  Such wonderful advice:

1.  Our exterior should match our interior (I mean really!  How many of us love to fluff & stuff?)  Gotta do the same outdoors.
2.  Have a lovely view from inside looking out every window.  Love that!
3.  "Cute" doesn't cut our yard.
4.  Buy pretty pots.  Even empty they'll look pretty.

And there's SO much more.  It'd been a month of Sundays since I read her book.  I revisit notes from Ms. Dillard, and as the Project Manager, tell My Guys what to do.  And they're doing it! 

Yard Guys

We're extending our front bed....but we're doing FAR more in the back yard. 

Oh, I had to find out about that idiom I am using:  A Month of Sundays.  It was first recorded in 1832. One writer suggests it originally connoted a long dreary time, since games and other kinds of amusement used to be forbidden on Sunday.  (

Back to the back:  we have a flagstone terrace and Ms. Dillard suggested enlarging it.  And so we are.  I desperately wanted pea gravel between the stones; but every nursery expert My Guy talked to talked him out of it.  My second choice was steppables, something green.  We are going to plant the short, tiny mondo grass between the flagstones. The Guys are doing the heavy labor, I'll plant mondo.

I've got two months until the shower and I'd like to have a couple of other projects taken care of.  I SO want my interior doors painted black.  Anyone that reads Joni of Cote de Texas knows all about black doors.  However, My Guy is really having problems embracing this notion.  He lets me do anything I want so I shouldn't complain.  But!  As much as I love, interior decorating is not his thing. 

Just look at Joni's bedroom:

And may I quote:  "Notice that my bathroom door is painted black - actually all the doors in my house are painted black. I think its a great look and a very inexpensive way to make a cheap, builder grade, hollow-core, paneled door look impressive, if that is at all possible."

I must get My Guy to read this post.  :)  Surely he won't be able to live with cheap, builder grade doors anymore!!

I'd like to raise my cup of Caramel Macchiato to you!  Let's not wait a month of Sundays to do what we love.